They also introduce new building chains and technology trees that set them apart from the other factions. Each faction comes with its own perks, infantry and cavalry units, and faction traits. The Desert Kingdoms Culture Pack adds 4 playable factions native to the deserts of Africa and Arabia - Meroe, Nabatae, Saba and Numidia. Choose from 9 playable factions, get post battle loot, discover new technologies, manage region specific dilemma systems, and unlock agents through faction-specific chapter objectives. Rise of the Republic adds a new playable prequel campaign set in 399 BC when Marcus Furius Cammillus makes a move to become Rome’s dictator. Total War: Rome II – Emperor Edition really shows how much the title from The Creative Assembly has evolved since it was originally delivered and the way the entire experience has been updated based on the needs of the community and the cool ideas of the development team.įixes big and small all come together to make Rome II a salvaged, quality RTS that sits quite comfortably at the feet of the games that came before it, even if it doesn’t quite manage to equal them.

It’s so refreshing to see Total War: Rome 2 smoothed over and playing smarter. Includes the Imperator Augustus Campaign Pack which adds a new playable campaign set in the aftermath of Ceasar’s murder.Includes all free feature updates that added bug fixes, balance tweaks, integration and Mac compatibility.Features an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, adjusted battle balance and upgraded visuals.Conquer the known world with the Ancient world’s greatest war machine at your command as you chart a path towards saving the Republic or becoming its one true Emperor.Experience the definitive version of ROME II, the turn-based strategy game with real-time tactical combat from Creative Assembly.