Please be aware that the software will not alert you to every credit that may apply to you. As the best-selling tax software on the market, TurboTax provides 100 percent accurate calculations and expert advice via phone or live chat. TurboTax was designed to get you your biggest tax refund, guaranteed.

I noticed others who had similar issues regarding attaching an election or statement to a return. That means that the state return has to printed and mailed, rather than efiled. For example, I needed a NYS form for an Other Credit which was not supported by TurboTax the software directed me to the state tax website to fill-out the form but did not allow attaching it to the return. It would be useful to have a feature of adding a PDF attachment to the return which could be done with the prior year version but not 2015 (unless they update it).

While easy to use, understandably, it is not all-encompassing. Additionally, although not intended for professionals, if you do a limited number of returns, it's beneficial, for you don't have to sign of as a paid preparer. Good for the Price The Home & Business software is a very good product, at a low cost, for those who have an ownership interest in a business, receive a K-1 or are independent contractors for it covers most of the tax situations that would apply. OFFICIAL B&H $500.00 GIFT CARD DASH SWEEPSTAKE RULES NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN.

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