Something that will probably help you majorly would be using the Extra Map Options mod for the small map option - that will dramatically reduce the amount of stuff that the game has to draw and keep track of at any given time, while honestly the reduction in map size isn't really a down-side given that most players will barely use 1/4 of the normal map size anyway. It's theoretically possible for those integrated chips to run most 3D rendering software, but in practice they lack the power to handle the volumes of data that modern games generally require for their graphics.

The Steam store page does list a dedicated GPU as a requirement for the game, so honestly I'm surprised and impressed that it runs at all on an integrated graphics chip. Intel integrated graphics is known to not perform well with some 3D rendering software, which I suspect StoneHearth uses. I do not have a dedicated gpu, but the devs likely intended the game to run on one. I checked and changing graphics setting to min fixes the lag issue at start of a new game. Still trying to find solutions on both lagging and heartlings Idle mode matters. And my game is super lag, my hearthlings would just be on Idle mode. But for some reasons, mine would crash sometimes. It seems that F5 and F11 helps to refresh the UI and the game menu. 래이코:Same here, I did research for solutions too.